Saturday, April 6, 2013

G.I. Joe Retaliation - Movie Review

When you need someone to pump up your sequels where do you go? To The Rock! LOL Why is that? The Mummy, Journey, The Fast & The Furious. It has become kind of - We have a sequel. Call Rock! At least it was a good movie. Probably better than the original. Seriously! I was glad they killed Tatum in the first 20 minutes, because I can't take anymore of him. I've seen more of him in a year then my own brother, so thank you, no! Guy kills friends, takes over White House, wants to take over the world yeah yeah yeah you know it! I just don't understand one thing. Why would someone wanna run the world? It's become like this stupid cliche in every action movie - someone trying to run/take over the world. Why? What's so good about it? I mean, if you have so much money and so much power over so many people why in the hell would you wanna run say...Zimbabwe or India, but yet live in America. I mean, does it even make sense or that's the point, it's an action movie is not supposed to make any sense. We'll just settle with the fact that the evil guy is a psycho and that answers to everything. Right! 

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